How Job Board Website or Portal Make Money?

How Job Board Website Or Portal Make Money?

The job board is a gateway between job seekers & recruiters, and through the job board job seekers can get their desired jobs and recruiters can fill up job positions. Let’s look into the monetization model for the job board website, how to earn money from a job board or it can be a great source of money-making. As per the latest market research on the recruitment industry, a business can get revenue from paid listing, advertising places. They are many sources are available to get revenue from the job board portal.

Revenue Sources from Job Board Website:
Job Posting Subscription Plan: Job board considering the job posting subscription plan can help the business model with particular prices for a particular number of job postings. As per the example, we can classify it with one subscription plan for 15 job postings per month, another subscription plan for 100 job postings per month, and more.

Job Posting CPC Packages:
This business model helps the recruiter to get cost per click based on how long want to display job postings. Recruiter will buy these types of packages display job posts in 1 to 5 positions of displayed job posts.

Multiple CPC Packages: These types of job board packages allow to use of multiple premium services. Advertise display on particular areas, job posts management, and more.

Candidate Screening:
Candidate screening tool will help job board earn more money by pre & post assessment of candidates as well with their particular skills. This type of tool working automatically measures candidate identification for job eligibility.
Target Candidate Mail: Job board contains a large volume of candidate databases with managed categories. The candidate mail package will help the recruiter to easily reach the target candidates.

Profile Builder:
It can be a great one for candidates because the profile builder tool automatically builds a resume by accepting some related information about the candidate. Profile builder shows skills, experiences, responsibilities, and other options in an attractive way. Candidates can use profile builder as the successive path for getting the job.

If you add the above-mentioned subscription packages and features to the job board website, you will revenue from the job board portal business model. Job portal development company or consulting group can help you to a known in-depth picture of earning money job board model. Job board company or consultant can show revenue generation factors with advanced features development.

As per following job board business revenue model you are providing premium based services to job seekers & recruiters in terms of job posting subscriptions plan, advertising packages, mail packages, profile builder (or resume builder), so you need to manage all given paid service effectively. Job seekers & recruiters will use your paid services for flexible usages. You can also analyze competitor plans & provided services. Consider competitor’s paid services and try to add uniqueness to that services so it will create big impact about to using of your job board paid model. Job board can give you more growth about the monetization.